domenica 3 agosto 2014

Album per Maria Chiara - Album for Maria Chiara

Mi hanno chiesto un album-diario per una ragazzina che compie tredici anni e ho scelto come colori dominanti il lilla, il viola e il turchese. Poiché lo stile di questi fiori era piaciuto molto alla committente, li ho rifatti, ma ovviamente in lilla e viola. Ho scoperto solo dopo che questi sono i colori  preferiti della ragazzina.

I made this album for a teenager's birthday.

Ecco la prima pagina.
Page 1

Alcune pagine di questo set di carte sono glitterate. Per richiamare i disegni tondi delle due carte usate qui ho applicato elementi decorativi tondi: i timbri, i cerchietti alla base del fermacampione bianco, i due elementi che tengono fermo il blocchetto di fogli quadrati e il bottone. E ovviamente i  colori di queste applicazioni sono gli stessi delle carte.

Some of the pages I used are glittered.
These pages have circles decorations, so I used some circles decorations and the same colours.

Pagina 2
Page 2

Anche questa carta è glitterata e ha dei bei fiorellini viola su fondo turchese. Questi colori e la decorazione sono ripresi dal libretto in alto, dalle due taschine embossate a fiori e dal bottone a forma di fiore in basso, che ho cucito con del cotone lilla.

This page too is glittered. The main theme and colours are tiny flowers, purple and turquoise, so I embossed purple flowers, used a purple flower button and made a small turquoise book.

Mi piace fare le cose in miniatura, e per il mini libretto in alto a destra ho pensato a un gioco di contrapposizioni tra il bianco avorio e il turchese.

La carta decorata che ho usato qui, oltre al violetto, ha anche tante foglioline verdi, perciò come base per il libretto ho usato del cartoncino verde, come se fosse il prato su cui si trovano i fiorellini.

The paper I used here has tiny purple flowers and green leaves, so I created a green base as a lawn.

Pagina 3
Page 3

Per questa pagina ho deciso di usare solo il viola e il lilla.

Here I decided to use only purple and lilac.

E ora vediamo due pagine molto, molto romantiche!

The following pages are very romantic!

Qui Maria Chiara potrà scrivere i suoi segreti più segreti!

Here Maria Chiara can write all her secrets!

Quanti cuori ho usato per questa pagina? Mah!

How many hearts did I use for this page? Who knows!

E i cuori non sono finiti!
I cuori e i cerchietti sono di gomma crepla.

More tiny hearts! Hearts and circles are made of foam.

Sul retro ho creato una grande etichetta con il bordo a fiorellini, perciò la taschina l'ho embossata con delle farfalle.

This big tag is decorated with tiny flowers, so I embossed butterflies on the pocket.

Pagina 5
Page 5

In questa pagina e nelle seguenti ho deciso di creare delle paginette con delle forme insolite, per variare un po'.
Qui la carta ha dei disegni di fiori viola e lilla, perciò ho creato la stessa decorazione sulla taschina e delle pagina a forma di fiori. Anche il fermacampione è a forma di fiore! E anche il bottone in alto a destra!

I decided to make new kinds of sheets to write on, not thw usual square or rectangulae sheets.
The patterned paper has lilac and purple flowers, so I decorated the pocket with similar die-cut flowers. I also used a tiny white flower clip on the sheets and a flower button on the right.

Per tenere ferme le pagine, anche se non ce ne sarebbe stato bisogno, ho usato due mini calamite, una con maggiore potere di attrazione, che ho incollato alla carta decorata, e una sottile e un po' più debole per permettere di attaccare e staccare continuamente le paginette lilla.

I used two little magnets. One is stronger and I glued it on the patterned paper. The other one is thinner and weaker and I put it on the pages, so that Maria Chiara can take take from and put them on the round magnet.

Anche qui ho creato dei foglietti con una forma speciale, ma stavolta delle stesse dimensioni.

Pagina 6
Page 6

Qui ho creato una taschina molto piccola per lasciare a Maria Chiara lo spazio per personalizzare la pagina ed eventualmente incollare pagine di quaderno, disegni o foto.

I didn't use too many decorations here, so Maria Chiara can glue her own sheets, drawings or photos ad personalize the page.

La carta glitterata alla base è decorata con delle ruote, perciò anche l'embossatura e il timbrino usato sono a forma di cerchio.

The patterned glittered paper has circles drawing, so I used a circles embossing folder and a circle stamp.

E siamo alla fine. Volevo usare un materiale un po' diverso e mi  è tornato utile questo pezzo di juta turchese. Ho creato una grande tasca in cui ho infilato dei foglietti di tre tonalità di azzurro.

I wanted to use a different material, so I decides to put on this page a piece of turquoise burlap. I put inside this pocket three die-cut sheets from light to dark blue.

Fuori alla tasca, però, ho aggiunto con due micro mollette dei foglietti di forme molto carine che Maria Chiara potrà usare dove vuole nell'album per personalizzarlo.

Outside the pocket I added some small nice die-cut sheets and decorations that Maria Chiara can glue where she wants and use to personalize the album.

Spero che quest'album vi sia piaciuto! Se non altro perché mi ha richiesto una grande fatica e tantissimo lavoro! ;-D I tempi di realizzazione inizialmente previsti sono anche aumentati perché, anche se avevo disegnato una bozza di progetto, ho apportato alcune modifiche in corso d'opera.

If you like this album please leave me a comment. I would be very happy! You know, it was a really hard work!

Sfide / Challenges:

Allsortschallenge, Challenge #270, Favourite things
Animalfriendschallenge, Challenge #17, Summer
Artbymiranchallenge, Challenge #11, Anything goes
Asyoulikeitchallenge, Favouurite papers (and why?) challenge
Avenue613, Challenge #83, Anything goes
Bunnyzoescrafts, Bingo challenge (flowers-pearls-charms, yellow-light blue-purple)
Butterflyspotchallenge, Challenge #12, Summertime butteflies
Craft-deebowz, August challenge, Anything goes and include a handmade bow
Gloriadesignschallenge, Challenge #12, Embossing
Craftingbydesigns, Anything goes challenge
Craftspotbykimberly, Challenge #146, Just for little girls!
Craftycalendarchallenge, August challenge, Anything goes
Craftycreationschallenges, Challenge #268, Just for fun
Craftysentiments, 29th July-4th August challenge, Anything goes
Craftyourpassionchallenges, Challenge #224, Flower power
Creativefingerschallengeblog, Challenge #44, Anything goes
Deepoceanchallengeblog, Challenge #83, Summer colours
Divasbydesignchallenge, Anything goes challenge
Dreamvalleychallenges, Challenge #87, Favourite colour combo
Fan-Tastic Tuesday, Challenge #46, Anything goes
Hobbybookdesignerchallenge, Lots of circles challenge
Ladybugcrafts, August challenge, Favourite colours
Memascrafts, August challenge, Anything goes
Milkcoffeechallenge, 2 or more die cuts challenge
Pennyschallenges, Challenge #188,  Anything goes
Pictureandscrap, Challenge #80, Use flowers and pearls
Pinspirationalchallenges, Picture (I used light blue, lilac and fuchsia)
Poppysketches, Challenge #9, Violet, seashell pink and glittery gold
Rêves2scrap, Challenge #3, Anything goes w/optional pearls
Sassystudiodesigns, Challenge #240, String it up
Scribbleandscrapcrafts, Challenge #24, Anything goes
Simonsaysstampblog, Anything goes challenge
Stampwithsarahkay, Challenge #217, Present
Suzypantssmarty, Challenge #40, Anything goes
Sweetstampinchallengeblog, Bingo time challenge (flowers, spots, charms; pearls, punches, charms)
Thehousethatstampsbuilt, Challenge DCC730, Sparkle, glitter or bling!
ThesistersofcraftAugust Anything goes challenge
Timbroscrapmania, Sfida #99, - Occasioni speciali - Challenge #9, Special occasions
Tokbobok, Challenge #15, Mixed media
Ttcrd, 29th July - 4th August challenge, Anything goes
Tuesdaytaggers, Things with wings
Tuesdaythrowdown, Challenge #206, Other than a card or a tag
Wordartwednesday, Challenge #143, Anything goes

53 commenti:

  1. A gorgeous album of colour and a lovely gift to receive. I love the embossed sheet of Butterflies you have used or one of he I keys and the tiny butterfly booklet. Thank you for fluttering by my butterfly challenge. Hugs Mrs A.

  2. Beautiful album, love all the little details. So glad you joined us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous. ~Diane GDT

  3. What a beautiful album and so much work put into it. I'm sure the recipient will treasure it. Thank you for joining us at Tuesday Throwdown this week. Kerry, DT xx

  4. A wonderful album with lovely ideas on the pages. Nice tiny book of butterflies on one page Thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday

    Love Chrissie x

  5. WOW, what an awesome project. I love all the detail you put into each page. Thanks for sharing this with us at Through The Craft Room Door. Please come play along with us again! (Hugs) Cara

  6. Wow, che lavorone!!! Ma anche la struttura l'hai creata te??? Comunque, volevo ringraziarti per il bellissimo commento che hai lasciato sul mio blog. Grazie mille!!!! Sono contenta che i miei lavori ti piacciano, anche se spesso sono un pò pasticciati. Anche i tuoi progetti sono molto belli, spero di riuscire a seguirti per non perdermene neanche uno.
    Ciao ciao

    1. Grazie a te, Luisa, per la tua visita e per essere diventata mia follower! Non pensare ai pasticci, l'importante è l'amore che metti nel fare le cose, e vedo che quello non ti manca!
      A presto!


    2. Ah, sì, la struttura l'ho creata io!

  7. La copertina e' elegantissima, l'interno, quanti dettagli, taschine, idee. fantastico e veramente si vede il lavoro che c'e' dietro!!

    1. Grazie, Gio'! Sì, ho lavorato tantissimo a quest'album, però, lo sai, è anche molto divertente! E le cose in miniatura mi fanno impazzire!


  8. oh wow... so much work and attention to detail has gone into this, every time I look I see something extra. Thankyou so much for entering into the Sisters of Craft challenge and good luck. Tina DT x

  9. What a great album!! Your page designs are so nice. I like all the different looks on the pages you created. Great detail.Thanks for joining us at the Craft-Dee BowZ challenge this month. Also, starting Wednesday nite 10 pm, Craft-Dee BowZ is having our June Blog Hop. Leave comments on the DT posts to be eligible for the prize. Hope you can join in the fun.

  10. Wow a fantastic creations, so much work, a really special unique album. Tracy (Sisters of Craft GDT)

  11. What a lovely creation! Thanks for playing at Crafty Sentiments designs! We hope so see you next time! Good luck!

  12. Such a wonderful keepsake!
    Thanks for joining us at Poppy Sketches!

  13. Bellissimo,mi piace troppo!vorrei provare anche io a farne uno,ma penso di non esserne capace e rimando sempre,ciao a presto.

    1. Ciao, Malida!
      Non dire questo, fai delle cose bellissime, perciò la manualità ce l'hai. Devi solo organizzarti per un progetto diverso dal solito. Disegna una bozza di ogni pagina, decidendo il colore e il design e scegliendo le carte decorate. Poi preparati in anticipo i piccoli pezzi, le fustellate, i bottoni con il cotone o lo spago, eccetera. Se lo fai un po' alla volta non è un lavoro molto pesante. Io l'ho fatto in pochi giorni e per questo è stato molto faticoso, ma se ti organizzi e cominci almeno un paio di settimane prima ce la fai. Fammi sapere!
      Un abbraccio!


  14. Another fabulous project hun hugs Judith Mema's DT x

  15. I can certainly see that you put a lot of love into this album! Wonderful project! Thanks for joining us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

  16. What an amazing mini album ! Fabulous keepsake.

    Thank you for joining us at Simon Says Wednesday Challenge this week.

    Jo x

  17. Lots of lovely texture! Thanks for joining us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

  18. This is an outstanding project! I am so impressed. I really wish we could allow you to be entered to win, but we have a limit to the number of challenges you can enter. Regardless, I am so please that you entered it with us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous Challenge Blog. This is just a huge, wonderful project!

    1. Hello, Gloria, thank you for your nice comment! I'm sorry, I was mistaken!


  19. Very pretty! Thanks for joining us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

  20. A beautiful album with so many endearing wonderful little touches on each page. Thank you for sharing your wonderful art with us today.
    Blessings, Carole, Word Art Wednesday

  21. First: thank you ever so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment on my Inkspirational tags. You certainly added sparkle to my day, and a huge smile to my face! What a gem you are - and this album you've made for Maria Chiara is yet more evidence! What an investment of time and creativity; it's absolutely stunning! She will love it immensely, as do I! Albums, especially mini ones, are such fun to make! I discovered one recently that features Halloween papers (cute ones) and I'm on the lookout to find them (living in a small town in Alberta Canada makes that difficult...probably need a visit to the 'big city' at some point) to make one for my niece! Yours here is an excellent reminder to put this on my 'must do' list!

    1. Hello, I am astonished by what you say! Anyway, we often don't do anything to make someone smile, even if it is so easy. I am happy to know I made you smile! ;-D
      Well, Maria Chiara was crazy about this album! I had just a few days to make it, but I was told she couldn't believe what she saw! I love making mini albums and in general tiny things.
      I supposed in English-speaking countries it is easy to find crafters' supplies shops even in small villages, but maybe it is not like that. It's difficult if you have to go to the big city. There's a good shop not far from my house, but I also do on line shopping and I receive the items in a few days, even from the United States. I think you can receive quickly your favourite items from Canada and U.S.


  22. What a special and meaningful gift for her! Each page contains such sweet touches, which she will enjoy every time she adds precious memories... and every time she revisits those memories captured. Thank you for sharing your lovely project with us at My Craft Spot!

    Hugs and blessings,

  23. Beautiful!!!! I hope your friend appeciates the hours of love and work you have put into this.
    Its all the tiny details and so much thought you have put into this - that makes it so special
    Thank you for entering it into August challenge at the Sisters of Craft
    Good luck :)
    Pixie (DT member)

  24. Such an adorable little album and such a wonderful way to treasure precious memories! My favourite is the page with the tiny envelopes! So sweet!!

    Thanks so much for playing along with us at My Craft Spot!

    Small Bits of Paper

  25. Wow hun, what a gorgeous creation, love it, hugs Liz xx

  26. A lovely creation. Thanks for sharing with us at Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenges.

  27. Gorgeous album! Thanks for sharing with us as Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge.
    Mandy x (PPCC DT)

  28. This is fabulous and such a lot of work, thanks for joining us at art by mi ran. Joey x

  29. Minis are so much fun to make! Thanks for joining August Anything Goes challenge at Memas Crafts. Princess - DT Member

  30. What a great idea, looks great, thanks for joining us at Ladybug Crafts. xxxx

  31. So creative! Thank you for joining us at Sassy Studio Designs and the DTBST challenge this week! HUGS

    SSD DT

  32. It must have taken you hours to make this wonderful album.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Sweet Stampin' this week. Come and join us again.
    Pia xx

  33. What a beautiful album! So many lovely details!!! Thanks for joining us at Poppy Sketches!!

  34. Lovely album you have made.
    Thanks for joining us at card and Scrap.

  35. Lovely project, thank you for sharing at Allsorts 'favourite Things' challenge this week and good luck x Susan x

  36. Beautiful keepsake album.Thanks for joining us at Sweet Stampin'
    Cass xx

  37. Kjempeflott album da :) Er en del arbeid her ja :)
    Tusen takk for at du deltar på utfordringen vår :)

    Card and Scrap

  38. What a fantastic album. You did a great job on the whole thing. :D
    Thank you for joining us at Scribble and Scrap Challenge.
    Deborah DT

  39. Fabulous album. Gorgeous colours and layouts. Thank you for joining us over at the Scribble and Scrap Challenge. Good luck.

  40. Lovely creation you made! Good luck and thanks for joining us at Milk Coffee challenge :-))
    Hugs, Andreja

  41. Thank you, Andreja and Annette!


  42. Fabulous project, love it! thanks for joining our Anything Goes in August Challenge at Crafting by Designs. mo xxx

  43. Gorgeous album!!! I love it!!! Thanks so much for participating in our {PIN}SPIRATIONAL challenge!! Hope to see you again for our next challenge!!
    A Little Bit O' Paper
