domenica 3 agosto 2014

Quando l'amore vi chiama - When love beckons to you

Molti anni fa ho avuto la fortuna di imbattermi in un libro del poeta libanese Kahlil Gibran, "Il Profeta", che è un condensato di poetiche riflessioni e di saggezza su tanti aspetti della vita: l'amore, la morte, gioia e dolore, i figli, l'amicizia, il tempo, e così via. Era un'edizione della Newton Compton, all'epoca una vera manna dal cielo perché nonostante le mie povere finanze da adolescente questa casa editrice mi ha permesso di leggere alcuni tra i più bei capolavori della letteratura. Per inciso, avendone poi letto altre traduzioni, quella di Tommaso Pisanti per la Newton Compton mi è sembrata la migliore.
Il testo sull'amore mi ha ispirata a creare un layout che ha come protagonista una foto che è stata scattata a me e mio marito pochi giorni dopo il nostro matrimonio, di notte, davanti al mare. Mi ha fornito un'idea anche una canzone che amiamo molto, "Una rosa blu", di Michele Zarrillo. Così, visto che il blu e l'oro sono colori molto usati nell'architettura e nell'arte dei Paesi musulmani, come appunto il Libano di Gibran, ho pensato a un layout di ispirazione vagamente arabeggiante, scegliendo questi colori per i fili metallici e le altre decorazioni, per le carte, i fiori e il timbro in alto, simile alla calligrafia araba, così decorativa. Sono da sempre appassionata di calligrafia e alfabeti.
Ultima, ma non ultima, non poteva mancare la frase chiave che mi ha ispirata, che ho scritto in inglese (altra lingua in cui scriveva Gibran), in italiano e in arabo. Qui devo fare una precisazione tecnica: la frase in arabo l'ho scritta io perché so ricopiare la scrittura araba, quella di altri alfabeti e i caratteri cinesi, ma in arabo so dire solo poche parole. Non avendo a casa una versione araba del testo, ho fatto alcune traduzioni automatiche e ne ho utilizzata una. È molto probabile che ci siano degli errori, poiché i traduttori automatici non sono mai precisi quanto quelli in carne e ossa, e a volte prendono delle vere cantonate. Tuttavia, la sintassi non troppo complessa della frase mi fa supporre che la traduzione sia abbastanza corretta. Se qualche persona di lingua araba dovesse leggere questo post, spero che sia comprensiva. Questo è semplicemente un omaggio a un grande poeta.

Many years ago I read 'The Prophet' by the Lebanese poet Kahlil Gibran. It is a book on poetic reflections and great wisdom on many aspects of life: love, death, joy and sorrow, children, friendship, time, and so on.
Gibran's text on love inspired me to create a layout based on a photo my hubby and I were taken a few days after we got married, one night, at the seaside. I was inspired also by a song we love, 'A blue rose' by Michele Zarrillo. So, as Moslem countries architecture and art use so much blue and golden, I made an Arab-style LO and chose these colours for wires and other decorations, for the papers, the flowers and, on the top, a stamp quite similar to Arabic calligraphy, that is so decorative. Since I was a kid I am fond of calligraphy and alphabets.
Last but not least, I wrote the key sentence that inspired me. I wrote it in Italian, in English (as Gibran wrote also in this language) and in Arabic. Anyway, I don't have an Arabic text at home and I can say just a few words in this language, but I can copy quite well many alphabets and Chinese characters. So this time I have used an authomatic translator. I suppose there are some mistakes, but not too many, because the syntax of the sentence is quite simple. If any Arabic mother tongue person is reading this post I hope he/she will forgive me. This is just a tribute to a great poet.

Ora vi lascio alle foto, ma prima prendete nota del libro e, se potete, leggetelo.

Let's see the photos now, but first write down the title of the book and, if you can, read it!

Come base ho usato una carta con colori orientaleggianti celesti e acquamarina. Mi piacciono le sfumature di colori che richiamano l'acqua, magari abbinati con l'oro, e anche gli sfondi geometrici di stile arabo. Fontane e giochi di luce e acqua sono sempre presenti negli antichi palazzi di questi Paesi. Questi elementi mi sembravano importanti perché io e mio marito eravamo di notte (con le luci di alcune case accese) vicino all'acqua.

I used a patterned paper with light blue and aquamarina Eastern-style drawings because I love water-like hues, also mixed with gold, and geometric drawings that remind Arab art and architecture. In ancient palaces of these countries there are always fountains with plays of water and lights. I think these elements are important as my husband and I were close to water at night (with lights on in some houses).

Ho usato un vecchio sacchetto con cuoricini dorati.

I used an old bag with tiny golden hearts.

Sfide / Challenges:

Abc-challenge, Q is for Quote challenge
Allsortschallenge, Challenge #270, Favourite things
Allwayssomethingcreative, Challenge #80, Water
Amichediscrap, Sfida layout #10, Scrittura a mano / Layout challenge #10, Handwriting
Asyoulikeitchallenge, Favourite papers (and why?) challenge
Audsentimentschallengeblog, Challenge #112, Thinking of you type sentiment
Avenue613, Challenge #82, Anything goes
Bunnyzoescrafts, Bingo challenge (flowers, pearls, charms)
Craftingattheweekend, Challenge #4, Anything goes
Craftingbydesigns, August challenge, Anything goes
Crafts4eternity, Challenge #187, Sketch (I turned it to left, so the three sentences are the strips of the sketch)
Craftycalendarchallenge, August challenge, Anything goes
Craftyourpassionchallenges, Challenge #224, Flower power
Craftysentiments, 29th July challenge, Anything goes
Dreamvalleychallenges, Challenge #87, Favourite colour combo
Fan-Tastic Tuesday, Challenge #46, Anything goes
Fussyandfancychallenge, Challenge #119, Words
Ladybugcrafts, August challenge, Favourite colours (blue and golden)
lovetoscrapchallengeblog, Scheming crafters! Chosen duo scheme (blue and golden)
Pictureandscrap, Challenge #80, Use flowers and pearls
Rêves2scrap, Challenge #3, Anything goes w/optional pearls
Scrapandplaychallenges, Challenge #7, Let's get moody
Scrappando, Sfida luglio-agosto, Parole scritte a mano / July-August challenge, Handwritten words
Scrap365, August sketch
Scribbleandscrapcrafts, Challenge #24, Anything goes
Sgrusha, Summer sketch
Simonsaysstampblog, 30th July challenge, Anything goes
Sketchalicious, LO sketch #96
StampotiquedesignerschallengeChallenge #156, Book inspiration
Suzypantssmarty, Challenge #40, Anything goes
Sweetstampinchallengeblog, Bingo time challenge (flowers, spots, charms)
Thehousethatstampsbuilt, Challenge DCC730, Sparkle, glitter or bling!
ThesistersofcraftAugust challenge, Anything goes
Timbroscrapmania, Sfida #99, Occasioni speciali / Challenge #99, Special occasions
Tuesdaythrowdown, Challenge #206, Other than a card or a tag
Trimmiescraftchallenge, Wish you were here
Ttcrd, 29th July-4th August challenge, Anything goes
Wordartwednesday, Challenge #143, Anything goes

40 commenti:

  1. Wonderful layout. I love the blue and gold.

    I remember reading Kahlil Gibran when I was younger. His writings were very inspiring and remain so.

    Thanks for playing along with us at Stampotique Designers Challenges!

  2. I, too, remember reading "The Prophet" when I was younger, and I still remember the comfort I felt when reading it. It is a great inspiration to many, still. Your layout is beautiful. So glad you shared this with us on the Stampotique Designers' Challenge!

  3. a wonderful LO!

    thanks so much for playing along with us at CRAFT-Challenge!

    Hugs and kisses from germany, silvi xoxo

  4. Such a beautiful layout!!! Thank you so much for joining Scrap & Play!!

  5. hi! beautiful, I adore the flowers you created! So glad you played along with Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!

    sparkle & shine *~*

  6. Gran bel LO!!!! Belle le rose blu, grazie per aver partecipato alla sfida su AdS!!!!

  7. Love your layout, flowers and other touches on this project and such an inspiring sentiment. Thank you for joining us at Tuesday Throwdown this week. Kerry, DT xx

  8. The touches of gold on this pretty layout look beautiful with the blue. Lovely layout and great use of negative space. Thanks for playing along with our Flower Power Challenge at Craft Your Passion this week. I hope we see you again soon.

  9. Such a pretty creation, love the layout and design, thanks so much for joining us at the Sister's of Craft! Good Luck!
    Hugs Donna DT xx

  10. Beautiful page layout and the colour choice is gorgeous, Am loving the added textures. Thanks for entering into the Sisters of Craft challenge and good luck. Tina DT x

  11. Beautiful work love the hand made flowers and the handwritten sentiment. Thank you for entering the Fussy and Fancy Challenge and good luck xxx Annie

  12. Bellissimo LO e romanticissimo tutto ciò che c'è dietro! Grazie per aver partecipato alla nostra sfida su Amiche di Scrap!

  13. The shades of blue are so pretty highlighted with the gold.Such a clever idea to write the quote out in different languages.Beautiful layout and love all the added details.Thanks for joining us at Crafty Sentiments.Hope to see you again next week.
    Lisa x (GDT)

  14. So cute page. Thanks for playing with us at Dream Valley challenge this week.
    Nathalie DT

  15. Pretty layout! Thanks for playing along with us at Scrap & Play!

  16. Lovely work.
    Thanks for joining us at card and Scrap.

  17. Great take on this weeks sketch! Thanks for joining us at Crafts 4 Eternity hugs x

  18. It is a very beautiful layout. Thank
    you for joining us at Sweet Stampin' this week.

  19. Blue roses with gold look stunning. Thank you for sharing your wonderful art with us today.
    Blessings, Carole, Word Art Wednesday

  20. Nice layout! Thank you for playing along with us at Scrap365 :)

  21. Beautiful page! I love the touch of gold on the blue roses! Thanks for joining us at Scrap & Play

  22. I love the story behind this lovely layout! The gold touches are wonderful. Thanks for joining us at Scrap & Play.

  23. great colors, love the blooms and your handwriting!! Thanks for joining us at Scrap & Play.

  24. Great LO & love those Blooms! Thanx for playing along at Scrap and Play! :)

  25. Lovely scrapbook page, great layout.
    Thank you for joining us at Sweet Stamping this week and good luck.
    Becky x

  26. Amazing - love the recycled things! :)
    Thank you for playing with us over at Crafting By Design this month & good luck!
    Sanja, DT

  27. A lovely project. Thank you for sharing with us at Dream Valley Challenge. Marlene DT

  28. Beautiful, I love the gold touches on here and how you described the inspiration for your page. Thank you so much for joining in the Scrap 365 Sketch Challenge! x

  29. What a beautiful layout! Love the flowers!

    Thank you for participating in the Sweet Stampin' challenge this week!

  30. Very pretty, thanks for playing along with us at Scrap and Play!!

  31. So pretty. Thank you for joining us over at the Scribble and Scrap Challenge. Good luck.

  32. Gorgeous page and pretty papers! Thanks for joining in with our challenge at As You Like It,
    hugs Samantha :0)

  33. Замечательная работа, спасибо что с Синей грушей

  34. Beautiful layout and love the flowers-thank you for joining us at Crafting at the Weekend
    Carol DT x

  35. beautiful page! rose handmade elegant and delicious! Thank you from Синяя Груша!

  36. Hi Mariangela...!
    its love to have you on my blog and wrote me just a beautiful comment... thank you for this.
    I think you may know that ours(muslim) holy book (Quran) is in arabic thats why i can read, write and understand Arabic, but its amazing that you just follow a quote of (the Great khalil gibran) and write it so beautifully.
    and your quote selection is just perfect...
    your crafts and your place is very nice and i am following you now. thanks

    1. Thank you so much, Fatimah! And thank you also for becoming my follower! I hope you will like also my next projects.

      Mariangela ^___^
