giovedì 4 settembre 2014

CAS Tappeto d'autunno - CAS Fall carpet

L'autunno è alle porte ed è strano a dirsi perché abbiamo avuto un'estate autunnale, perciò il tempo non sta cambiando molto. La mia stagione preferita è l'estate, perché sono nata sul mare e tra i miei primi ricordi ci sono eterne vacanze in spiaggia e il sale sulla pelle. Perché l'acqua è la Madre. Perché è blu il mare ed è blu il cielo, e dove si uniscono c'è la porta verso altri mondi.
Ma dell'autunno mi piacciono i colori, così caldi, così avvolgenti. Ho sempre in mente un'immagine che associo a un Paese che non ho ancora avuto il piacere di visitare, il Canada. Vedo davanti a me un immenso bosco con un tappeto di foglie. Vorrei contare le sfumature di marrone, arancione e giallo, ma sono infinite. Chi le ha dipinte? Chi ha creato questi colori? Cammino sul morbido tappeto di foglie. Qualche ramoscello si spezza sotto i miei scarponcini. Gli alberi sono alti. Qualcosa si muove furtivo tra i rami. Uno scoiattolo? Qualche ultimo pallido raggio di sole filtra tra gli alberi. Infilo le mani nelle tasche del giubbotto per tenerle al caldo. Vedo nascosta in fondo la piccola baita di legno dove mi aspettano con un piatto di pancake caldi e sciroppo d'acero. Ovunque il profumo del bosco, nel mio piatto, nei miei occhi, nel mio cuore.

Fall is coming soon and it's strange to say that because we this summer was quite similar to fall, so the weather is not changing so much. My favourite season is summer because I was born at the seaside and some of my oldest memories are neverending holidays on the beach and sea salt on my skin. Because water is the Mother. Because sea is blue and sky is blue too, and where they join there's the door to other worlds.
But what I love of fall is its colours, so warm, so fascinating. I always have in my mind an image of fall that I connect to Canada, a country I haven't had yet the pleasure to visit. I see in front of me a huge wood with a leaves carpet. I would like to count the hues of brown, orange, yellow, but they are endless. Who painted them? Who created these colours? I walk on the soft leaves carpet. Some little branch breaks under my boots. Trees are high. Something moves stealthily among the branches. A squirrel? The last pale sunrays seeps among the trees. I put my hands in my jacket's pockets to keep them warm. I see the little wood refuge, almost hidden, where they are waiting for me with a dish of warm pancakes and maple syrup. Anywhere the smell of the wood, in my dish, in my eyes, in my heart.

Questo biglietto è la mia passeggiata immaginaria nel bosco odoroso.

This card is my fancied walk in the fragrant wood.

Sfide / Challenges:

Acreativeromance1st September challenge, A touch of kraft
AddictedtocasChallenge #46, Luxury (Living in a wood, among trees and wild animals, not in the supposed luxury of a house in town)
Addicted-to-stampsChallenge #86, Pastel (soft) colours
Alphabetchallengeblog29th August challenge, O for Ombre
ArtbymiranchallengeChallenge #13, Anything goes
Artinallround, Challenge #8, Anything goes
ArtisticinspirationschallengesChallenge #107, Anything goes / Memories
Asyoulikeitchallenge28th August challenge, Favourite season & tell us why (Fall colours and background)
Audsentimentschallengeblog, Challenge #114, Any other sentiment other than a birthday
Avenue613Challenge #87, Anything goes w/optional sights, sounds, smells or tastes of autumn
BrownsugarchallengeChallenge #109, Anything goes
Craftcreatoins1st-9th September challenge, Anything goes
CraftingbydesignsSeptember challenge, Anything goes
Craftsandmeinspiration, Challenge #150, Time for anything
CraftybloggersnetworkSeptember challenge, Anything goes
Craftysentiments2nd September challenge, Anything goes
CrazychallengeChallenge #179, Three of a kind
Delightfulsketches, 3rd September, Don't be square!
Fan-tastic-TuesdayChallenge #51, Anything goes
4kraftygirlzchallenges, Challenge #26, Anything goes
Frosteddesigns29th August challenge, Stamping
Justinspirationalchallenges1st September challenge, Add a background image
LadybugcraftsSeptember challenge, Anything goes
LetscreatechallengesChallenge #96, Anything goes
Memascrafts, September color fall challenge
PennyschallengesChallenge #193, Anything goes
PictureandscrapChallenge #81, Anything goes
Rêves2scrapChallenge #4, Anything goes w/optional twist combo
Scrapperdellanotte, 2nd September challenge, Back to... (Back home from holidays)
Scrappers-delightsChallenge #30, New beginnings (Fall)
Sgrusha, 20th August challlenge, The last coach (End of summer)
Simonsaysstampblog3rd September challenge, Stamp it!
SisteractcardchallengeChallenge #72, Anything goes
StampwithsarahkayChallenge #218, CAS
SuzypantssmartyChallenge #44, Anything goes
Themaleroomchallengeblog, Challenge #18, Autumn/Fall
Tokbobok, Challenge #16, Masculine
WordartwednesdayChallenge #148, Anything goes

34 commenti:

  1. gorgeous stamping and colours. Thanks for joining us at ATCAS

  2. muy bonita! (Sorry my Spanish isn't very good)

    1. Hello, Becca,
      I'm happy you like my card! Anyway, I am Italian, not a Spanish mother-tongue (even if I can speak Spanish)! ;-)


  3. a wonderful leaves card! thanks so much for playing along with us at Alphabet-Challenge!


    Hugs and kisses from germany,

    silvi xoxo

  4. Beautiful Image. Thanks for playing at Frosted Designs.

  5. Very nice and colorful card!! Thank you for joining us at Scrapper's Delights!

  6. Bellissimo questo biglietto e bello quello che hai scritto sull'autunno.
    Anche io lo amo molto per i suoi colori. Guardare le sfumature delle foglie in un bosco in autunno è una gioia.
    Brava, ti seguirò volentieri.
    Un abbraccio Maria

    1. Grazie, Maria,
      è vero, le gradazioni di colore dell'autunno sono spettacolari!
      Ti abbraccio,


  7. Lovely card thanks for joining us at Scrappers Delights and good luck x

  8. wawww sååå super flot ♥

    10000 tak for at du deltager på Card and scraps udfordring.

    kmuzzzz ♥

  9. This is just lovely - the leaves are so pretty.
    Thanks for joining in at Simon Says Stamp STAMPtember Challenge!
    Caryn xxx

  10. Such a perfect card for Fall! I love the leaves! The three colors are perfect for this time of year! Thank you for joining the Pastel Color Challenge at the Addicted to Stamps Challenge Blog!


  11. Great card
    Thanks for sharing at Alphabet challenge

  12. This is the perfect Fall card - looks like a carpet of leaves on an autumnal day - thanks for sharing with us this week in TMR - Jacqueline xx

  13. Love the leaves! Thanks for joining us in our September Color Challenge at Mema's Crafts. - Princess DT Member

  14. LOVING those leaves!! Thanks for playing along with Frosted Designs!!!

  15. Love the leaves and the Fall colors. Thanks for playing along with Mema's Crafts Fall challenge.

  16. Beautiful, warm and colorful! Makes for a nice card - thank you for sharing your project & creativity with us!
    DT for Aud Sentiments: [#114 – Any Sentiment other than a Birthday]
    RubberMAD (

  17. Beautiful background!! Love the fall look. Thank you for joining WAW challenge.

  18. Very pretty stamped bg! Thanks for joining in at The Male Room~

  19. Grazie per la tua visita! bellissimo questo biglietto :)

    1. Grazie per la visita e per i complimenti, Bogomilla!

      Mariangela ^___^

  20. It's a verry pretty card for fall.
    Thanks for playing with us at Addicted to Stamps.
    Greetings, Danoesja

  21. Lovely fall card! Thanks so much for sharing at Stampavie and More Challenge!

    Hugs, Marja
    Stampavie and More DT

  22. Great card! Thanks for joining us at The Crazy Challenge.

  23. Tutto molto bello: card, testo... Sei riuscita a rendere molto bene le sensazioni e le emozioni dell'autunno!

  24. What a lovely Fall card. Great colors and stamping of the image. We appreciate you joining us last week and would love for you to play along with us again this week at Word Art Wednesday. Leaving you with God's Word in Hebrews 12:2---"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hugs and blessings!

    JO ANN

  25. Love your carpet of leaves. Really super work. Thanks so much for playing along with The Male Room this week!

  26. Thank you for all your lovely comments, kind ladies!

    Mariangela ^___^

  27. Great CAS masculine card! Matching the weather outside perfectly :)

  28. Thanks for stopping by and playing with us at Mema's Crafts. We hope you'll continue to visit and play with us.
