domenica 27 dicembre 2015

Pacchetti kraft di Natale - Christmas kraft wrappings

Buonasera a tutte!
Come sono andate le vacanze di Natale finora? Avete consegnato tutti i regali o non siete ancora riuscite a incontrare alcuni dei vostri cari?
Avrete notato che, più che biglietti d'auguri, mi piace creare album, scatoline esplosive, chiudipacco e pacchetti decorati. Quest'anno, però, ho fatto pacchetti molto diversi tra loro, anche se ho usato un colore dominante, il kraft. Lo avete visto con le Casette di legno che ho postato qualche giorno fa e in molte altre mie creazioni. Amo i colori caldi e naturali. Poi usando questo colore come base risaltano le decorazioni, perciò io lo trovo fantastico.
I pacchetti che vi mostro oggi contengono alcuni piccoli giocattoli per dei bambini, perciò ho pensato di decorarli con delle piccole figure adatte ai più piccoli.

Good evening everybody!
Have you had great Christmas holidays till now? Have you given away all the presents or haven't you met yet all of your beloved persons?
Maybe you have noticed that I love making albums, exploding boxes, tags and gift wrappings more than cards. But this year I have made very different kinds of wrappings, even if I have used the same basic colour, kraft. You have seen it in Wood mini houses I posted a few days ago and in many other creations of mine. I love warm and natural colours. Moreover, if you use this colour as a base you put in evidence the decorations, so I think it is great.
The wrappings I am showing today contain some small toys, so I decided to put on them little decorations suitable for children.

Ho tagliato i fiocchetti di neve con un perforatore adatto alla gomma crepla. Dalla foto non si vede, ma è gomma crepla glitterata. Poi ho fustellato il guanto nel feltro.

I cut out the small snowflakes with a special punch for foam. You can't see it from the picture, anyway it is glittered foam. Then I die cut the glove from felt.

Ho fustellato i fiocchi di neve grandi, poi li ho inchiostrati di bianco, ho versato sopra la polvere glitterata e l'ho embossata a caldo. Dopo li ho ricoperti di glossy accent. Potete vedere il procedimento anche nel tutorial delle Scatoline neve dell'anno scorso.

I die cut the big snowflakes, then I inked them with white, poured on them glittered white powder and heat-embossed them. Last, I put on them glossy accent. You can see how I did it also in the Snowflakes boxes tutorial I made last year.

Anche il pinguino è di feltro.

The penguin too is made of felt.

Babbo Natale l'ho fustellato nel cartoncino.

I die cut Santa Claus from cardstock.

Ho ancora qualche pacchetto di Natale da mostrarvi, perciò tornate nei prossimi giorni!

I have more wrappings to show you, so come back next days!

Sfide / Challenges:

Addicted-to-stampsChallenge #116, Winter
Artinallround2nd December challenge #11, ATG
Asyoulikeit17th December challenge #45, Favourite Christmas colours & tell us why
Avenue613Challenge #156, ATG / optional twist: Use music notes/lyrics/sheet music
BrownsugarChallenge #178, Christmas
CardmaniachallengesChallenge #75, Christmas
Craft-alnicaChallenge #150, ATG
Craftingbydesigns9th December challenge, Here comes the holidays
CraftingforallseasonsChallenge #116, Christmas
CraftingfromtheheartChallenge #91, ATG
Craftycalendar5th December challenge, Let it snow
CraftycreationsChallenge #305, ATG
Craftysentiments15th December challenge, Happy new year
CrazychallengeChallenge #213, Celebrations
CreativecardcrewChallenge #103, ATG
DeepoceanChallenge #119, ATG
EurekastampsChallenge #172, Santa
Fan-tastic-TuesdayChallenge #117, ATG / twist 'Twas the night before Christmas
FussyandfancyChallenge #154, Happy holidays
LovetoscrapChallenge #68, ATG
Melonheadzfriends, 21st December challenge, Christmas
Moo-mania16th December challenge, Christmas
NotjustcardsChallenge #27, ATG
PictureandscrapChallenge #108, ATG
PileitonChallenge #98, Anything Christmas/Winter
QkrstampedeChallenge #171, Snowman or snowflakes
ScrapbookstampsocietyChallenge #81, ATG /option Christmas
SognandoscrapChallenge #26, Sognando... il Natale / Dreaming... Christmas
Thatcraftplaceblog20th December challenge, ATG
ThepapernestdollsChallenge #12, ATG
Thesistersofcraft1st December challenge, ATG
Ttcrd22nd-29th December challenge, ATG
TuesdaythrowdownChallenge #274, ATG
WordartwednesdayChallenge #214, ATG

34 commenti:

  1. Carinissimi!!! Hai ragione, il color kraft sta bene con tutti i colori e li fa risaltare, anche a me piace molto!...Che peccato però rompere la carta :D Io avrei seguito i bambini e raccattato tute le decorazioni, se avessi visto che non se le tenevano :D :D
    Scherzi (?) a parte, mi piace molto come hai realizzato i fiocchi più grandi, con tutto il procedimento di "glitteraggio" e il volume che hai dato con il glossy accent. Il pinguino di feltro e il guantino sono splendidi e il Babbo Natale pure!
    Ho il tuo stesso punch per il foam, presumo, e anche io l'ho usato con la crepla glitterata, lo trovo favoloso.

  2. Like the die cut Santa. Thanks for joining us at Eureka Stamps this week.

  3. Great little packages! Thanks for sharing with us at Eureka Stamps this month!
    Good Luck
    Dawn xx

  4. Adorable little packages! I just love the Santa. Thanks for playing along with us at LTSCB and good luck. Hugs, Robin

  5. This is a great idea and I am sure will be a huge hit with the kids! I am also a big fan of Kraft paper. Thanks so much for sharing with us here at 613 Avenue Create.
    Chana, Owner

  6. This is such a great idea and I love the look with the kraft paper. Fabulous project. Thanks so much for joining us this time at the Fan-tastic Tuesday Challenge, Elizabeth (DT)

  7. Great wrapping ideas! Thanks for sharing with Crafting for all Seasons!

  8. Gorgeous little packages! Thanks for joining us at ScrapbookStampSociety Challenge.Good Luck and Welcome again.Gr.Kaija Dt-member

  9. Sono tutti meravigliosamente belli ...bravissima...j 'adore!!Complimenti !Grazie per aver partecipato al challenge di Arte a tutto tondo! ciao LittlefrogRanocchia!

  10. Beautiful pockets :-))
    Thanks for playing with us at CRAFTalnica.

  11. super wrappings!
    Thank you for joining Moo Mania & More with that!
    Happy New Year!oxo

  12. Love your wrapping paper, a great idea! Thanks for joining us over at Crafty Calendar this month & good luck!
    hugs Jo x

  13. Such lovely creations..I LOve your use of Kraft paper.
    Thank you so much for joining us this week at QKR Stampede.

  14. So cute!
    Thanks for playing at Pile It On!
    Merry Christmas!
    Helen x

  15. Super cute!!! Thank you for joining us at 613 Avenue Create, good luck!!! Amy DT

  16. Oh, so beautiful.♥
    Thank you for joining us at Card and Scrap.
    Hugs Line.

  17. Great wrapping.
    Thanks for joining us at Card and Scrap and good luck.

    Astrid DT :-)

  18. Such cute wrapping paper. Thanks for joining us at Tuesday Throwdown for this challenge.
    Margaret, DT

  19. A fun way to wrap gifts. Your embellishments work so well with the Kraft paper. Thanks for joining in with our 'Happy Holidays' challenge at Fussy and Fancy, and good luck
    Eileen x

  20. Lovely...:)
    Thank you for joining us at Card Mania Christmas Chellenge
    Marzena DT

  21. Great packaging....Thanks for sharing it with Brown Sugar challenge!

  22. Great job! They look fabulous. Thank you for joining in with the Sisters of Craft challenge, good luck in the voting and we hope to see you again. Crafty Blessings. Tracy SOC DT x We now also have a Sisters of Craft Facebook Group where you share your makes, find inspiration and take part in mini challenges.

  23. Super cute. Thanks for joining in the challenge at That Craft Place.

  24. super sweet
    Thanks for join us at ScrapbookStampSociety Challenge.
    Good Luck and hope to see you again

    Greetings Karin DT Coördinator

  25. Bellissimi! mi piace tantissimo il kraft usato come base!
    Grazie per aver giocato al Card Mania Challenge.
    (Scusa per il commento un po' in ritardo!)

  26. Lovely wrapping decoration but for the challenge at Addicted To Stamps you have to use a stamp in your creation. I see only the use of ink but no stamps so you can't join our challenge. Maybe some wrappings with stamps..??
    Greetings Miranda (dt-ATSC)

  27. Such pretty gifts! Thank you for joining our New Year Challenge at Crafty Sentiments Challenge Blog. Julie, DT member

  28. Another great project. Thanks again for entering your creations. Come by tomorrow for our new challenge at Melonheadz Friends :)

  29. un idea squisita. che belli che sono. missa' che gli sono piaciuti tanti ai bambini. il kraft piace pure tanto anche a me. thank you for sharing it with us at FFFC and good luck, Theresa DT xx.

  30. nice work ! Thanks for joining us at The Crazy Challenge. Good luck.
    Groetjes van Ine (DT)

  31. Lovely presents. Thank you very much for joining our challenge at Creative Card Crew.
    Hugs, Yvonne
