giovedì 14 gennaio 2016

Pacchetto Babbo Natale e campanelli - Santa Claus wrapping with tiny bells

Buonasera, scrapper!
Come avete passato le vacanze? Spero bene! Io mi sono dedicata alla lettura e ad altri hobby e mi sono rilassata molto. Ne avevo proprio bisogno!
Ho ancora qualche creazione delle ultime settimane da mostrarvi e comincerei da quella più natalizia per non rimandarla alla primavera!
È un pacchetto con la carta kraft decorata con una fustellata di Babbo Natale, un po' di twine e due minuscoli campanelli. Molto facile da realizzare, no? Come avrete notato uno dei miei progetti preferiti sono proprio i pacchetti regalo.
Nei prossimi giorni vi mostrerò parecchi post che ho accumulato.
Tra qualche settimana, poi, festeggerò il secondo compleanno del mio blog. Tornate a trovarmi e, se non siete ancora mie follower, iscrivetevi! Potrete partecipare al blog candy che organizzerò. Sto già preparando il premio. Se volete vedere qual era quello dell'anno scorso cliccate qui e qui.

Good evening, scrappers!
How have your holidays gone? I hope well. I devoted myself to reading and other hobbies and I relaxed a lot. I just needed it!
I still have some crafts of the latest weeks to show you, so I will start from the most Christmas-style one because I don't want to pospone it to next Spring! 
It is a wrapping made with kraft paper I decorated with Santa Claus die-cuts, some twine and two tiny bells. Very easy to make, don't you think so? As maybe you have noticed, one of my favourite projects are just gift wrapping and boxes.
Next days I will show you many posts I have piled up.
Moreover, in a few weeks I will celebrate my blog's second anniversary. Come back and visit me and become my follower, if you haven't done it yet, so you will have the possibility to join my blog candy. I am already preparing the prize. If you want to see last year prize click here and here.

Sfide / Challenges:

Artinallround3rd January challenge, ATG
ArtisticinspirationsChallenge #147, ATG / Twist of the winter blues
Asyoulikeit14th January challenge, Favourite paper or non paper project & tell us why 
Avenue613Challenge #158, ATG / optional twist: Birthdays / Anniversary
Craftingbydesigns6th January challenge, ATG 
CraftingfromtheheartChallenge #94, ATG
CraftyourpassionChallenge #294, ATG
CrazychallengeChallenge #213, Celebrations
CreativefingersChallenge #100, ATG
Fan-tastic-TuesdayChallenge #119, ATG / twist Warm and cosy
FussyandfancyChallenge #154, Happy holidays
JustusgirlsChallenge #325, Use metals/metallics
NotjustcardsChallenge #28, ATG
PennyschallengesChallenge #260, ATG
ScrapbookstampsocietyChallenge #82, ATG
Thatcraftplaceblog3rd January challenge, ATG 
ThepapernestdollsChallenge #1, ATG
Thesistersofcraft1st January challenge, ATG

14 commenti:

  1. So lovely!!! The tiny bells are really adorable and a nice detail!
    Wishing you a year full of creativity and fun projects!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  2. That Santa is awesome! Beautiful way to package a gift. The little jingle bells are the perfect finishing touch. Thanks for playing with us at JUGS!

  3. Facile da realizzare, ma la tua cura per i dettagli si nota sempre... :D Babbo Natale è perfettamete distressato, il biadesivo spessorato lo fa risaltare tantissimo e l'abbinamento con la carta da pacchi color kraft è perfetta, per non parlare del twine in tinta con i campanellini... Bravissima come sempre!
    Aspetto molto volentieri il tuo blog candy :D

  4. Cute wrapping! Love the added bells - Thanks for joining in at JUGS!

  5. What a cute Santa! Love how he dresses up that package. Thanks for joining us at Just Us Girls!

  6. Cute!!! Thanks for joining us at The Crazy Challenge. Good luck.
    Groetjes van Ine (DT)

  7. Fantastic wrapping. Thank you for sharing this with us over at Artistic Inspiration. Sue DT xx

  8. A lovely wrapped package. Thanks for joining AYLI challenge. Elaine

  9. Ohhhhh bello e festoso il tuo bel pacco dono bravissima ! Complimenti ! Grazie per aver partecipato al challenge di Arte a tutto tondo ! Ciao! LittlefrogRanocchia!

  10. Lovely Santa. Thanks for joining us at Crafting From the Heart this week.

  11. Ahh.. this Santa is so cute.. ^-^
    We also have the first challenge and hope you could join us there.

    My Crafting Stories

  12. Thank you for joining us for the challenge over on the That Craft Place Challenge Blog..
    TCP Design Team.
    My Blog
    That Craft Place Challenge Blog
    That Craft Place on Facebook

  13. Great santa paper piecing! Love the baubles details :) Thanks for sharing your creations with us at Creative Fingers & Welcome back! So sorry to be late commenting! Migraines got in the way ♥ DT Tindaloo

  14. Fabulous! Thanks for joining in with our challenge at As You Like It,
    hugs Samantha :0)
