giovedì 24 marzo 2016

Mini quaderni design - Design mini copybooks

Buongiorno, creative,
oggi vi mostro finalmente una serie di mini quaderni che ho creato molti mesi fa. L'idea mi era venuta quando ho fatto le foto per il premio speciale del blog candy 2015, che avevo mostrato in questo post. Mi piace il contrasto del colore sul nero, come avevo fatto per la copertina dell'Album rose rosse.
Ho comprato questi quadernetti, ho cambiato la coopertina e vi ho incollato fustellate di vario genere, che ho solo tagliato o che, in qualche caso, ho anche colorato.

Good morning, crafters,
today I can finally show you a set of mini copybooks that I made many months ago. The idea came when I took photos for the 2015 candy blog special prize that I showed in this post. I like the contrast between black and colours, as I did on the Red roses album cover.
I bought these small copybooks, I changed their cover and I glued on them different kinds of die cuts, that I just cut or, in some cases, I coloured.

La foto non è venuta bene: il passeggino è rosa.

The photo came out bad: the pram is pink.

Ecco come ho colorato il cartoncino da cui ho tagliato i cuori, il fiore e le farfalle.

Here's how I coloured the cardstock from which I cut off the hearts, the flower and the butterflies.

Spero che vi siano piaciuti questi mini quaderni. Sono facili da realizzare e possono essere usati per fare dei piccoli regali.
Vi ricordo che siete ancora in tempo per partecipare al blog candy di quest'anno, con un ricco premio più un premio speciale segreto!

I hope you like these small copybooks. They are easy to make and can be used to give small gifts.
I remind you you can still join this year's blog candy, with a big prize and a secret special prize!

Sfide / Challenges:

Addicted-to-stampsChallenge #122, Any shape
Alphabetchallenge, 18 March, B for Beautiful butterflies
ArtbymiranChallenge #54, ATG
Artinallround2nd March challenge, ATG
ArtisticinspirationsChallenge #152, ATG / Twist of Easter
CrafterscafeblogchallengeChallenge #145, Easter
Craftingbydesigns2nd March challenge, ATG
CraftingfromtheheartChallenge #104, ATG
Craftyboots14th March challenge, Easter
Craftycalendar5th March challenge, Mum's Day / Special Female
CraftycreationsChallenge #311, Spring fever
CraftyourpassionChallenge #304, ATG
Craftysentiments22nd March challenge, Any shape
CrazychallengeChallenge #218, Flowers
CreativecardcrewChallenge #109, CAS
CreativefingersChallenge #105, ATG
CutecardthursdayChallenge #418, To die for!
DeepoceanChallenge #125, Fave color combo
Everybody-artChallenge #361, ATG
Fan-tastic-TuesdayChallenge #129, ATG / Twist Cute critters
FussyandfancyChallenge #159, Things with wings
Inspirationdestination, Challenge #78, ATG
LovetoscrapChallenge #74, ATG
Melonheadzfriends14th March challenge, Layer it up
Moo-mania, 23rd March challenge, Spring
NotjustcardsChallenge #30, ATG
Ooh-la-la-creationsChallenge #200, Spring is in the air
PennyschallengesChallenge #270, ATG
ScrapbookstampsocietyChallenge #87, ATG w/optional Easter
ScrapdreamsDream challenge #3.16
Scrapperdellanotte8th March challenge, Flower shape
Scrappers-delightsChallenge #53, ATG
SognandoscrapChallenge #29, ATG
Thatcraftplaceblog13th March challenge, ATG
ThepapernestdollsChallenge #3, ATG
Thesisterhoodofcrafters23rd March challenge, Photo inspiration
Thesistersofcraft1st March challenge, ATG
Ttcrd22nd-28th March challenge, ATG
Tuesdaytaggers15th March challenge, Nature

31 commenti:

  1. Che carini questi quadernini, Mariangela! Molto moderni e coloratissimi, le fustellate spiccano davvero tanto sul nero!
    La tua carta colorata è bellissima, e mi hai incuriosito: i pennarelli sono ad acqua? (ho visto lo spruzzino). Sono molto vibranti!
    Ho visto anche la fustella memory box con lo stelo che ho anche io e che adoro letteralmente, sta benissimo in viola e rosa! :)
    Ti auguro una serena Pasqua, piena di pace e di serenità
    un abbraccio

  2. Thank you for sharing your lovely project with us at OLL challenges. Wynn DT

  3. Grazie per aver partecipato alla sfida di Scrap Dreams!

  4. Hi they are all gorgeous. Thank you for joining us at Alphabet Challenge Blog challenge B for Beautiful Butterflies. Hugs Jackie (DT)

  5. Lots of work on these projects

    Thank you for sharing them at try it on Tuesday

    Love Chrissie xxx

  6. Wau tutti belli in tuoi quaderni si uno più bello dell altro brava! Complimenti ,Grazie per aver partecipato al challenge di Arte b a tutto tondo ciao LittlefrogRanocchia!

  7. Fabulous project, I also like the contrast between the black background and the brightly coloured shapes you have used in your designs. Thank you for sharing your work with all of us at Crafty Boots Challenges.


  8. Great books. Thanks for joining in at Crafty Boots Challenges this time.

  9. Great! Thank you very much for joining
    Happy Easter!

  10. bellissimi: con me hai sfondato una porta aperta! adoro i quaderni, di tutti i tipi, me li faccio persino da sola riciclando cartoncini e pagine di vecchie rubriche... ^_^
    sempre brava!

  11. beautiful made and looks great

    Thanks for join us at ScrapbookStampSociety Challenge.
    Good Luck and hope to see you again

    Greetings Karin DT Coördinator

  12. These are all so colourful and bright perfect for spring. Thanks for sharing it with us at OLL.
    Lynn x

  13. These books look super.Just love all the bright colours and different designs.Thanks for joining us at Craft Your Passion.Hope to see you again next week.
    Lisa x

  14. Great books! Thank you for joining us at The Crazy challenge. Good luck :)

  15. Such a great project.
    Thanks for joining us at crafty sentiments

  16. Ma che belliiiiiiiiiiii!!!
    Questi quaderni sono davvero comodi per un regalino dell'ultimo minuto...... ;-)))
    Visto che hai riciclato tanta carta dei lavori precedenti, ti va di condividere la tua idea nella mia community "A tutto riciclo"??
    TI ASPETTO!!! ^__^
    Colgo l'occasione per augurarti BUONA PASQUA!!!

  17. Thank you for sharing it with us at Moo Mania & More!
    So beautiful and clever done!

    oxo Susi
    ( once again here)

  18. Great projekt!Thanks for joining us at ScrapbookStampSociety Challenge.Good luck and welcome again.Gr.Kaija Dt-member

  19. Great books. Thanks for joining in our 'Mum's Day/Special Female' challenge at Crafty Calendar this month.
    Bev x

  20. Thats a lot of work and they looks great with these bright colours.
    Thanks for joining us at ATSC.
    Greetings, Danoesja

  21. Wow! Look at all those!!! Thanks for playing along with us at The Sisterhood of Crafters! Hope you will join us again soon! xx

  22. Fabulous make's thank you for joining us over on Inspiration Destination
    Dianne x

  23. Wonderful

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

    Happy Easter for you and yours

  24. Great idea, thank you for joining in this weeks CCT challenge

  25. Thanks for sharing your lovely crafting for Fan-tastic Tuesday challenge 129 - hope to see you again soon, Hazel, DT x

  26. Just dropping by again to say...Thanks for joining us at Crafty Sentiments.Hope to see you again next week.
    Lisa x

  27. wonderful notebooks :)
    Thanks for playing along in the Artistic Inspirations Challenge.

  28. Great project. Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Creative Card Crew!
    Good luck,

  29. Grazie per aver partecipato alla sfida di Scrap Dreams!
    mi piace molto la tua organizzazione delle fustellate.. un'ottima idea!

  30. How pretty and fun...thank you for joining our challenge at 'The Sisterhood'!
    Diane TSH DT

  31. What a great range of projects!

    Thanks for joining us at the Alphabet Challenge.

    Helen N x
