martedì 31 maggio 2016

Album maestre celeste e arancione - Sky blue and orange album for teachers

Buongiorno, scrapper!
Oggi vi mostro due album che mi sono stati commissionati dalle mamme di alcuni bambini come regalo di fine anno per le maestre.
I colori non li ho scelti io, ma sono gli stessi dei regali dell'anno scorso. Alle maestre piacciono, perciò le mamme volevano gli stessi colori. Sempre loro hanno scelto le margherite, fiori più semplici e meno romantici delle rose (che, come sapete, io amo tanto fare), e perciò adatte per delle maestre.
Mi hanno chiesto degli album piuttosto grandi perché i bambini volevano incollare sulle pagine una loro foto e dei disegni, perciò le pagine sono di un formato maggiore dell'A4, in modo da poter lasciare un po' di margine e mettere anche una piccola decorazione. Per l'interno ho mantenuto gli stessi colori dell'interno.
La carta della copertina è l'Avoha, che secondo me è una delle più belle per questi lavori.
Per contenere il regalo ho proposto non una scatola (sarebbe stata troppo ingombrante), ma una borsa di tela che richiamasse lo stesso design della copertina. Le maestre potranno usare la borsa per conservare l'album o, se lo preferiscono, potranno usarla tutti i giorni per fare la spesa o portare i libri a scuola. Così questo ricordo dei loro bambini sarà sempre con loro.
Vi mostrerò le borse nel prossimo post, perciò non dimenticate di tornare!

Good morning, scrappers!
Today I'm showing you two album I was requested from some children's mothers as a school end gift for their teachers.
I didn't choose the colours, they are the same of last year's gifts. The teachers like them, so the mums wanted the same colours. They also choose daisies as these flowers are more simple and less romantic than roses (that I love so much, as you know), so they are suitable for teachers.
I was asked to make quite big album because children wanted to glue on the pages their photo and some drawings, so the pages and bigger than A4; there is enough space to leave some edge and to add some small decorations. The colours inside are the same of the cover. The paper I used for the cover is Avoha, which I consider one of the most beautiful for this kind of crafts.
To put the albums in I proposed to make two bags. Boxes would have been too big. I made two cloth bags with the same design of the covers. The teachers can use them to keep the albums or, if they prefer, they can use them every day to have shopping or to bring books to school. So their children's memories will always be with them.
I will show you the bags in my next post, so don't forget to come back!

Sfide / Challenges:

Alphabetchallenge, 27 May, Girlie
ArtisticinspirationsChallenge #157, ATG / Twist of flowers
Avenue613Challenge #178, ATG / optional twist All that glitters
CraftingforallseasonsChallenge #127, ATG
CraftingfromtheheartChallenge #114, ATG
CraftyourpassionChallenge #314, ATG
Craftysentiments31st May challenge, Gem and/or pearls
CrazychallengeChallenge #223, Your favourite colour (All hues of blue)blue)
CreataliciousChallenge #92, ATG/optional wedding
Creativecorner27th May challenge, Bingo (Turquoise, white, blue) 
CreativefingersChallenge #110, ATG
FussyandfancyChallenge #164, Dies and/or punches
Inspirationdestination, Challenge #87, ATG
JustusgirlsChallenge #345, Photo inspiration (Orange album)
NotjustcardsChallenge #32, ATG
PinspirationalChallenge #166, ATG
SassystudiodesignsChallenge #335, Anything but a card
Ttcrd31st-6th June challenge, ATG
WordartwednesdayChallenges #232-233, ATG

23 commenti:

  1. What a lovely project to do. The Flowers are beautiful.

    Thank you so much for entering our ATG challenge at Through The Craft Room Door this week. Looking forward to see you again next challenge.



    Mel Gee crafts {My Blog}

    Through The Craft Room Door

  2. Che bella questa carta!!! Hai proprio ragione, è meravigliosa per le copertine degli album! I fiori sono splendidi, mi piace molto come hai sfumato sui bordi quelli piccoli all'interno delle pagine e anche tutti gli strati delle margherite rendono tantissimo! Brava come sempre!!!
    ...Aspetto di vedere le borsine coordinate! :D

  3. Faboulas flowers you have made for your project and good photos.
    Thank you for sharing with Fussy and Fancy.
    Best wishes
    Jules xx

  4. What delicate flowers with the layers on the cover and bling on the pages is so pretty. Thank you so much for posting your very beautiful art in the #232-#233 - Anything Goes FF Word Art Wednesday Challenge.
    Blessings, Carole

  5. What a lovely project and your flowers are a work of heART! Thanks for sharing your art at Word Art Wednesday

    - Princess, May Guest Designer

  6. Beautiful project. Thank you for playing along with our Challenge at Crafty Sentiments Designs. We would love to see you again ... Anet DTx

  7. Hi they are stunning. Thank you for joining us at Alphabet Challenge Blog challenge G for Girlie. Hugs Jackie (DT)

  8. Great project thanks for joining us at Crafting from the Heart good luck x

  9. Beautiful work! Those flowers are very pretty! Thanks for playing with Just Us Girls!

  10. Thanks for joining our Challenge at Creative Fingers Challenge Blog.

  11. Lovely project! Thanks for join us at Crafty Sentiments Design, good luck and hope to see you next time. Hugs Beatriz DT

  12. Great project! It looks like a lot of work. Thank you for joining us at Craft Your Passion. Good luck!!! Patricia

  13. Beautiful albums! So much work went into making them! Thanks for joining us at Just Us Girls!

  14. Wow this is so precious. Great how you made the flowers.
    Thanks for playing with us at Craft your Passion Good luck!! Michelle(DT)

  15. hi
    lovely creation
    thanks for joining us at crafting for all seasons
    hugs Lisbeth DT

  16. Such gorgeous flowers and colors. Love them both! The paper you used to cover the albums is so pretty!

    Thank you for joining us at Crafty Sentiments Designs for our Pearls or Gems challenge.

  17. Hi, A fabulous project, great colour scheme and lovely style and design. Thank you for joining us this fortnight at Crafting For All Seasons Good luck. We hope to see you again for our next challenge.
    Erin (Challenge Owner)

  18. Lovely flowers!

    Thank you for participating in the last {PIN}Spirational Challenge. A new one has just begun... I hope you'll check it out and play along with it, too!

  19. Gorgeous project! Love all the flowers! Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Through The Craft Room Door.
    (Hugs) Cara
    Through The Craft Room Door {Owner}
    TTCRD Challenge Blog
    My Creative Chaos {My Personal Blog}

  20. Wonderful creations!
    Thank you soo much for taking part in our "anything goes with optional wedding” challenge over at Creatalicious & good luck in the draw.
    Hope to see you again in our new challenge as well…

    (DT-Coordinator Creatalicious Challenges)

    (DT Come and Get It)

    (DT Crafty Friends)

  21. So pretty!!! A lot of work went into this lovely creation!!! Thanks so much for participating in our {PIN}SPIRATIONAL challenge!!! Can’t wait to see you participate again in our next challenge!! Have a great crafty day!!! (So sorry for not commenting sooner but this proving I'm NOT A ROBOT stuff is driving me nuts!!!)
    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper
