sabato 4 giugno 2016

Mini album Marocco - Morocco mini album

Buongiorno, amiche scrapper!
Spero che vi sia piaciuto il mini album che vi ho mostrato qualche giorno fa! Ne ho un altro per voi, sempre con lo sfondo nero, ma un po' diverso. In questo caso l'ispirazione è venuta da un bellissimo set di carte dedicate ai motivi geometrici dell'architettura del Marocco.
Chissà se qualcuno di voi ha visto un post che ho pubblicato molto tempo fa, il layout Quando l'amore vi chiama... Se non l'avete visto andate a leggerlo, così capirete perché mi affascina tanto l'architettura araba.
Quanto alla copertina, ho modificato quella che avevo creato per l'Album rose rosse: la copertina dell'album era nera con dei fiori variopinti, mentre sulla scatola c'erano delle rose rosse tridimensionali (e altre rose rosse erano stampate all'interno).
Su questa copertina ho messo delle rose tridimensionali rosa, che ricordano le rose che vengono coltivate in questo Paese per produrre profumi e prodotti di bellezza. Potete leggere qualche informazione su quest'argomento qui e vedere delle bellissime immagini qui.

Good morning, dear friends!
I hope you liked the mini album I showed you a few days ago! I have another one here for you. It has a black background too, but it is a little different. In this case the inspiration came from an amazing set of papers with geometric drawings typical of architecture in Morocco.
Who knows if anyone of you saw a layout I made two years ago, When love reckons to you... If you haven't seen it go and read it now, so you will understand why I'm so fond of Arabic architecture.
As regards the cover, I modified the one I made for the Red roses album: that cover was black and had multicolour flowers on and on the box there where 3D red roses ( and more red roses were printed inside).
On this cover I have put some 3D roses that remind the roses that are produced in this country to make perfums and other beauty items. You can read some information on this theme here (in Italian) and see some great images here.

L'album ha nove fogli.

The album has nine sheets.










Leggete più sotto come ho fatto questa decorazione esagonale.

Read below how I made this hexagonal decoration.


Come una scatola di patatine fritte può, per magia, trasformarsi in un album romantico... ;-)

That's how a French fries box can become, as a kind of magic, a romantic album... ;-)

Ecco come ho fatto questa decorazione. Prima ho fustellato lo schema esagonale, poi ho versato del Glossy accent (lo adoro!) su dei pezzetti di carta poco più grandi di un esagono, ho lasciato asciugare bene e poi li ho incollati dietro allo schema nero.
Ci vuole molta pazienza per fare questo lavoro, ma provateci almeno una volta! Vedrete che vi darà grandi soddisfazioni!

Here's how I made this decoration. First I die cut the hexagonal pattern, then I put some Glossy accent on it (I love it!) on some pieces of paper, quite small but a little bigger than hexagonal holes. Then I let it dry well and I glued the small pieces behind the black pattern.
You must be very patient to make this decoration, but try to do it at least one! You will get very satisfied!

Se vi dicessi quante perline, di tutti i colori, forme e dimensioni ho non mi credereste...

If I told you how many pearls I have, of any shapes, dimensions and colours, you wouldn't believe me...

Questa è una delle mie parti preferite! ;-)

This is one of the things I love to do most! ;-)

Queste microbottiglie sono uno degli acquisti migliori che io abbia fatto!

These microbottles are one of the best scrapbooking items I have ever bought!

Se questo album vi è piaciuto lasciatemi un commento. Ne sarei molto felice!

If you like this album, leave me a comment, please. I would be very happy!

Sfide / Challenges:

Artinallround2nd June challenge, ATG
ArtisticinspirationsChallenge #157, ATG / twist of flowers
Avenue613Challenge #178, ATG
Bunnyzoescrafts11th May challenge, Lovely layers
CleanandsimpleonsundayChallenge #84, Sparkle
Craftandsmash15th May, Use of gold
Craftingbydesigns1st June challenge, ATG
CraftingforallseasonsChallenge #127, ATG
CraftingfromtheheartChallenge #114, ATG
CraftyourpassionChallenge #314, ATG
Craftysentiments31st May challenge, Gem and/or pearls
CrazychallengeChallenge #223, Your favourite colour (contrast of soft colours against black background)
CreataliciousChallenge #92, ATG / optional
CreativefingersChallenge #110, ATG
NotjustcardsChallenge #32, ATG
PennyschallengesChallenge #280, ATG
PinspirationalChallenge #166, ATG
ScrapbookstampsocietyChallenge #92, ATG w/optional all in white only image coloured
Sparklensprinkle, 1st June challenge, ATG
Thepapernestdolls, Challenge #6, ATG
Thesistersofcraft1st June challenge, ATG
Ttcrd31st May - 6th June challenge, ATG
WordartwednesdayChallenge #232-233, ATG

14 commenti:

  1. Gorgeous work!Thanks for joining us at ScrapbookStampSociety Challenge.Good luck and hope too so again.Gr.Kaija Dt-member

  2. Bellissimo, lo trovo molto elegante e mi piacciono molto i pattern arabeggianti della carta! Quanta pazienza hai avuto per creare la decorazione con i charms del dorsino e per quella interna ad esagoni! Però il risultato è splendido!!! Bravissima! Mi stai facendo venire voglia di preparare qualche album :)
    ...P.S. Vedo che i tuoi piani da taglio sono "conciati" come i miei :D

  3. Very nice project! Thanks for playing at TTCRD with us this week! Hope I will see you again soon...

    Alessandra - DT

  4. Stunning project. Thank you for joining us at Crafting from the Heart challenge.

  5. Pretty album! Thanks for sharing at CAS on Sunday!

  6. beautiful and great work you did, fab job
    Thanks for join us at ScrapbookStampSociety Challenge.
    Good Luck and hope to see you again

    Greetings Karin DT Coördinator

  7. Great album, well done! Thanks for joining us at The Crazy Challenge.

    groetjes, Ellen

  8. Great project!!! thank you for showing how you made it! Thanks for joining us at Crafty Sentiments Designs. I hope to see you again on the next challenge! Good luck!!! Patricia

  9. Lovely projekt,thanks for join us at ScrapbookStampSociety Challenge. Good Luck and hope to see you in the next challange to//DT Zora

  10. Beautiful project. Thank you for playing along with our Challenge at Penny's Paper-Crafty. We would love to see you again ... Anet DTx

  11. Awesome project! Love all the authentic patterns ;o) Thank you for joining our newest challenge over at the PINspirational Challenge blog ;o) Happy crafting,

  12. A wonderful album!
    Thank you soo much for taking part in our "anything goes with optional wedding” challenge over at Creatalicious & good luck in the draw.
    Hope to see you again in our new challenge as well…

    (DT-Coordinator Creatalicious Challenges)

    (DT Come and Get It)

    (DT Crafty Friends)

  13. Beautiful. Thank you for joining in with the Sisters of Craft challenge, good luck in the voting and we hope to see you again. Crafty Blessings. Tracy SOC DT x Don't forget about our Sisters of Craft Facebook Group too where you share your makes, find inspiration and take part in mini challenges.

  14. Awesome album! Thanks so much for participating in our {PIN}SPIRATIONAL challenge!!! Can’t wait to see you participate again in our next challenge!! Have a great crafty day!!! (So sorry for not commenting sooner but this proving I'm NOT A ROBOT stuff is driving me nuts!!!)
    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper
