While creating this tag I imagined a person sitting on a park bench and reading some old yellowed love letters. There are some leaves around the bench and along the paths. The wind makes other leaves fly away. Also the page of a newspaper flies away, maybe another reader in the park lost it.
Per prima cosa ho timbrato il testo della lettera manoscritta e ho tagliato questo cartoncino e quello di base della tag. Le lettere, la scrittura a mano e gli alfabeti sono una delle mie passioni, come potete vedere in molte vecchie creazioni. Poi ho invecchiato i bordi, ho incollato il nastrino di pizzo e i fiorellini.
First I stamped the handwritten letter and cut this cardstock and the tag. I am really fond of letters, handwriting and alphabets, as you can see in many of my old crafts. Then I distressed the edges, I glued the lace and the tiny flowers.

Ho tagliato un cuore lungo e vi ho avvolto attorno del filo di rame.
I punched a long heart and wrapped it with some copper wire.
Ho tagliato a mano la bustina e tagliato le farfalle. Queste ultime poi le ho ricoperte con della pasta che poi diventa trasparente e che lascia solo un velo glitterato. Ho tagliato a mano la bustina.
I handcut the envelope and punched the butterflies. I covered the butterflies with a paste that then turns transparent and glittered. I handcut the small envelope.
Ho tagliato a mano due piccolissime tag e le ho decorate usando uno stencil a fiori e della pasta color rame.
I handcut two tiny tags and decorated them with a mask and some copper paste.
Ho perforato delle foglioline, le ho invecchiate e ne ho tracciato le venature. Poi le ho incollate su un filo di rame. Ho ripreso la tecnica che avevo usato nella tag La vie en rose.
I punched some leaves, I distressed them and made the veins. Then I glued them on a copper wire. I used again the technique I used in La vie en rose tag.
Ho riciclato e invecchiato un pezzetto di giornale.
I recycled and distressed a small piece of newspaper.
Per questa tag su un amore perduto mi ha ispirata anche una bellissima canzone degli Abba, "SOS".
This tag reminding a lost love was also inspired to me by a song I love so much, 'SOS' by the great Abba.
Con questo post partecipo al Linky party di Alex.
With this post I join Alex's Linky Party.
Con questo post partecipo al Linky Party di Kreattiva "Progetti d'autunno".
With this post I'm joining Kreattiva's Linky Party on 'Autumn projects'.
Sfide / Challenges:
Acreativeromance, 12th September challenge, Anything goes
Alphabetchallengeblog, 12th September challenge, P for Pretty Petals
Artbymiranchallenge, Challenge #15, Anything goes
Artinallround, Challenge #8, Anything goes
Artisticinspirationschallenges, Challenge #109, Anything goes / Add some bling
Artjournalingandmixedmedia, Sfida di settembre, Carta di giornale / September challenge, Use of newspaper
Asyoulikeitchallenge, 11th September challenge, Favourite rubber stamp & tell us why (handwriting stamp)
Bunnyzoescrafts, September challenge, Lace
Craftcreatoins, 15th-27th September challenge, Anything goes
Craftingbydesigns, September challenge, Anything goes
Craftingforallseasons, Challenge #86, Colors of autumn
Craftingfromtheheart, Challenge #36, Anything goes
Craftmylife, August-September challenge, All crafts
Crafts4eternity, Challenge #194, My style challenge
Craftybloggersnetwork, 1st September challenge, Anything goes
Craftybootschallenges, 15 September challenge, Anything goes
Craftycalendarchallenge, September challenge, Leaves and lace
Craftycreationschallenges, Challenge #272, Vintage
Craftylittlefairieschallenge, 4th September challenge, Sparkle and bling
Craftysentiments, 16th September challenge, Autumn colours
Crazy4challenges, Challenges #250, Animals
Creataliciouschallenges, Challenge #67, Flower power
Creativefingers, Challenge #49, Anything goes
Curtaincallchallenge, 15th September challenge, Wishing well
Cutecardthursday, Challenge #339, Awesome autumn
Deepoceanchallengeblog, Challenge #86, Vintage
Delightfulsketches, 17th September challenge, Use fall colours
Docerelashop, Challenge #70, Anything goes
4kraftygirlzchallenges, Challenge #27, Anything goes
Frosteddesigns, 12th September challenge, Add graffiti, paint, doodling and/or handwriting
Hobbybookdesignerchallenge, 17th September challenge, Embossing
Inkspirationalchallenges, Challenge #65, Flight
Justinspirationalchallenges, September challenge, Add a background image
Letscreatechallenges, Challenge #96, Anything goes
Lexiscreations, Challenge #125, Autumn colours
Lovetoscrap, Challenge #38, Anything goes
Melonheadzfriends, 15th September challenge, Autumn colors
Memascrafts, September challenge, Fall colors
Milkcoffeechallenge, 11th September challenge, Colors of autumn
Mymumscraftshop, Challenge #21, Dies or punches (Two flower punch, branch with leaves punch butterfly punch, flying leaves punch, heart punch)
Pennyschallenges, Challenge #195, Embossing
Pictureandscrap, Challenge #82, Anything goes
Qkrstampede, Challenge #105, Fall colors
Rêves2scrap, Challenge #4, Anything goes w/optional twist combo
Scrapbookstampsociety, Challenge #50, Anything goes w/option Use buttons
Scrapitgirl, September challenge, Stencils/Masks
Scribbleandscrapcrafts, Challenge #27, Anything goes
Simonsaysstampblog, 17th September challenge, Tag it!
Simplycreatetoo, Challenge #70, Fall/autumn
Sognandoscrap, Sfida #11, La tua canzone del cuore / Challenge #11, Your favourite song
Sparklensprinklecreativechallenges, September challenge, Glitter, embossing powder and/or flocking
Stampwithsarahkay, Challenge #220, Autumn colours
Stampotique, Challenge #164, Birds or animals
Stampsfun-creativity, Challenge #216, Butterflies
Thatcraftplaceblog, 14th September challenge, Sentimental
Thekraftjournal, Challenge #189, Tag you're it!
Thepapernestdollschallenge, Challenge #19, Anything goes
Thepinkelephantchallenge, Challenge #268, Embossing
Thesistersofcraft, September challenge, Anything goes
Tuesdaytaggers, 16th September challenge, Recycle it
Ttcrd, 16th-22th September challenge, Anything goes
Vintagejourney, Challenge #15, Colours of autumn
Wordartwednesday, Challenge #150, Anything goes
A wonderful story with a beautiful tag putting the story into pictures. Thank you so much for joining our 150th challenge at Word Art Wednesday. I thank God for your participation and I pray you will have a day filled with joy.
RispondiEliminaCarole Robb Bisson
Thank you so much, Carole! You are always so kind! I like creating a story in my mind and then creating the scene with paper and colours. It is like looking at a place, looking at people walking in the street, and then stopping time, like in a movie, taking a photo or a quick portrait to remember forever the scene you have seen. Like stopping blowing wind in this case and looking at what people were doing in that moment...
Mariangela ^___^
Great tag, I love how your tag has tags! Thank you for playing along with Crafty Boots Anniversary Challenge.
This is fantastic! I love the way the leaves look like they are blowing away. Do I see texture paste? Lovely. Thanks for joining us at Alphabet Challenges.
RispondiEliminaYes, Jennifer, it is texture paste. I love just this one because I love copper colour in general (paste, metal wire, etc.). Thank you for your comment!
Very beautiful.
RispondiEliminaThanks for joining us at Alphabet Challenge Blog.
The tag is lovely. Thanks for showing how you created it!
RispondiEliminaThanks for playing along with us at Stampotique Designers Challenges!
¡Me ha enamorado esta etiqueta otoñal, Mariangela! Es preciosa y tan a tono con el tiempo que tenemos ahora por Madrid. El otoño me encanta, y tu etiqueta mucho más aún. ¡Buen trabajo!
RispondiEliminaUn beso fuerte
¡Gracias, Puri! Aquí no se entiende si estamos en otoño o todavía no, pero, bueno, no hemos tenido realmente el verano este año. Pero las hojas ya se caen no sólo en mi etiqueta, sino también en las calles y es muy lindo. Si te gusta el paisaje otoñal vuelve a verme porque en los próximos días voy a publicar otra creación de pleno (!!!) otoño.
Ciao,e' proprio bella questa tag!Bravissima,mi piace molto ti auguro un buon fine settimana ciao.
RispondiEliminaGrazie, Malida! Nei prossimi giorni appena avrò un po' di tempo pubblicherò un'altra creazione moooolto autunnale...
EliminaBuona domenica anche a te!
A beautiful tag! Love how you put it together! Wow, it must take you a long time to add it to so many challenges..... Anyway, thanks so much for joining us at A Vintage Journey!
RispondiEliminaGorgeous tag with awesome details. Love the tutorials. Thank you for joining Artistic Inspirations, good luck.
RispondiEliminaPopping by to say thank you for joining us over at Scribble and Scrap! Good luck!
RispondiEliminaJill S&S DT
Ciao Mariangela, questa card e' la migliore che ho visto sul tuo blog fino ad ora! Bello che tu abbia aggiunto un tutorial con le spiegazioni passo passo. E che dire delle farfalline, del pizzo e del filo di ferro intorno al cuoricino? Non so dirti quale dettaglio mi piaccia di piu'..... ti sentivi romantica?
RispondiEliminaCiao, Alex,
Eliminagrazie mille per i tuoi complimenti! Sono molto incoraggianti!
Come dicevo più su a Carole, mi piace immaginare una scena e fermare l'istante, come una pellicola cinematografica. Immaginare cosa c'è nelle vite delle persone che restano bloccate lì, in quella scena, mentre camminano, mentre leggono, mentre parlano con qualcuno. Le foglie degli alberi, un foglio di giornale, un cappello volati via e sospesi in aria. Queste persone dove vanno, cosa leggono, con chi parlano e di cosa? Ecco, ho immaginato una scena di questo tipo. E anche in un'altra creazione che pubblicherò appena possibile e che è sempre in tema autunnale.
Io sotto la scorza dura (^___^) sono mooolto romantica, malinconica, autunnale, direi, anche se vivrei in una eterna estate, se potessi.
Un abbraccio!
This is really beautiful, I love how you imagined this working. I felt as if I was in the park on the bench myself!!! So pretty!
RispondiEliminaThank you so much for entering the Crafty Calendar Challenge this month, your card really depicts our theme of Leaves and Lace. Lots of luck.
Hugs to you Sue Pxxx DT
Favolosa e curatissima in tutti i suoi tanti piccoli dettagli! La tag riflette molto bene la storia immaginata ed è molto romantica. Mi piacciono tantissimo le foglioline con le venature e la distressatura (si dice così?) con gli strappi "alla Gabrielle Pollacco"! Complimenti, sei bravissima!
RispondiEliminaCiao, Alice,
Eliminagrazie mille! Sì, più su ho spiegato bene ad Alex cosa avevo immaginato. Comunque è stato molto divertente. Mi appassionano soprattutto le cose piccole, i dettagli minuscoli. Passerei ventiquattro ore al giorno a fare solo quello, senza stancarmi mai...
Ti mando un abbraccio!
What a beautiful tag! I love all the textures and elements to it! Thanks for joining us at Crafty Calendar Challenge this month for our Leaves and Lace Challenge!!
RispondiEliminaLynne xx
such a fabulous tag!!! woaw!!! fantastic autumn elements!! gorgeous!!!
RispondiEliminathank you so much for entering Love to Scrap!'s "anything goes" challenge!
E' bellissima e curatissima nei dettagli. Trovo deliziose le farfalle che escono dalla busta. Un'idea veramente originale. Complimenti!
RispondiEliminaUn bacione a presto
Grazie, Sara, sono contenta che ti piaccia!
EliminaA presto!
What a great card, great job!
RispondiEliminaThank you for participating ScrapbookStampSociety Challenge
Gr.Kaija DT-member
Absolutely beautiful tag with wonderful colors and a great design. Thanks for sharing with us at the Crafty Creations Challenge. Barb
RispondiEliminaI'll just repeat what I said above only with a different challenge hat on. It truly is a remarkable tag with so much detail. Thanks for sharing with us at the Crafting for all Seasons challenge. Barb
RispondiEliminaits a beautiful fall tag.
RispondiEliminaThanks for join us at ScrapbookStampSociety Challenge.
Greetings Karin DT Coördinator
Gorgeous tag, love the Autumn colours and lovely script stamp. Thanks for sharing on AYLI. Carolxx
RispondiEliminaWow stunning tag!! Thanks for joining us at Crafting From The Heart! Angie-DT
Me again...lol Fabulous tag! Thanks for joining us SImply Create Too! Angie-DT
Fabulous tag love all the details,embellishments and Autumn colours -thanks for joining us at Artistic Inspirations
RispondiEliminaCarol DT x
WOW! Your tag is stunning! Gorgeous Fall colors, love all the little details! Thanks for joining us at Love to Scrap! Challenge Blog
RispondiEliminaTina dt
Great layered effect. Thank you for joining us at Inkspirational Challenges. Come back next time! Marina
RispondiEliminaGreat tag design! Just sings autumn!
RispondiEliminaThank you for joining us at Delightful Challenges. Jane xx
Thank you for all your lovely comments, dear ladies! They are really encouraging!
RispondiEliminaI hug you all!
Such a fantastic tag. Love the details with the extra leaves, stamped background and butterflies. Thanks for playing at Crafty Sentiments and good luck. Hope to see you back tuesday for a new challenge. Bettina GD Member at Crafty Sentiments xx
RispondiEliminaThank you so much, Bettina!
wonderful card thanks for joining us at sfc
RispondiEliminaYou are master in challenges! The tag is awesome. Your photo tutorial is fabulous and I love the elements you use for your design. I am so glad that you visited V. V. Challenge! Indeed, I love Italy and hope to return some day again. If I do, I will let you know :) Thanks so much for playing Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Tag It Challenge!
RispondiEliminaWell, Virginia, you are a master in making cards, so reading such a good comment from you is really an honour for me! Thank you!
bellissima questa tag :D
RispondiEliminagrazie per aver partecipato a scrappin sisters
RispondiEliminaGrazie, mille, Melania! Chissà perché poi alle tue sfide ho partecipato quasi solo con delle tag, perciò ne hai viste già un bel po'!
EliminaHo letto la tua mail e ti scriverò in privato appena possibile.
Beautiful and fab tag design. Awesome background and tutorial. Thanks for playing along with us at Scrap it Girl!
RispondiEliminaI really love your Fall color palette! This is a great tag with lots of interesting details and perfect for the Stampotique challenge. Thanks for joining us!
RispondiEliminaThank you, Kay, you are very kind!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful tag with us at TioT's this time.
HI just popping back to say-thanks for joining us at Crafty Girls
RispondiEliminaCarol DT x
What a beautiful tag!! Love it!! Thanks for joining us at “Simply Create Too”, hope to see you next time again.
RispondiEliminaDT-Member SCT
fab tag full of detail and thank you for sharing with us at Crafty sentiments
RispondiEliminaNice fall tag! Thanks for playing along with Mema's Crafts.
RispondiEliminaLove this! Amazing details! Thanks for joining us over at Docerela Creations! DT Member Carri~Abusybee
Your tag is a work of art with beautiful details! Thank you for sharing your art with us at The Kraft Journal. Please join us again this week for our sketch challenge.
RispondiEliminabeautiful tag
RispondiEliminaThank you for joining this week at QKR Stampede Good luck and We hope you'll join us again soon
Zoe x
Handmade with lots of Love
Fabulous tag! Thank you for joining us over at the Scribble and Scrap Challenge. Good luck.
This is really beautiful. I love it when a paper craft project has a story to tell. Thanks for joining us over at DoubleClick Skittle Challenge~
RispondiEliminaThank you, Faith! When I imagine a story I feel more inspired and I think I make better crafts.
What a gorgeous tag and I love the backstory you have created to go along with it. So glad you shared it with us for the Sparkle N Sprinkle Creative Challenge.
RispondiEliminawow, lovely work! I love all the details!!! Thank you for playing along at Frosted Designs!
RispondiEliminaLove the tags on a tag. Thanks for joining us at Mema's Craft's. PennyRae DT
RispondiEliminaI love your explanation of this tag and the nostalgic feel of it! And the wire on the heart is really neat! Thanks for sharing!
RispondiEliminaSuch a pretty tag - love those leaves blowing of the sides! Thanks for playing at Inkspirational this week!
RispondiEliminaGorgeous tag..love the cute small envelope and warped heart..:)
RispondiEliminaWonderful tag and fantastic story behind it. Love all the tiny leaves and flowers. Thank you for sharing your beautiful art with us at Sparkle N Sprinkle.
RispondiEliminaEret x
So gorgeous!! Thanks for playing along with Frosted Designs!!!
RispondiEliminaAmazing project - love the little leaves and the distressed edges!
RispondiEliminaThanks so much for joining in at Simon Says Stamp Tag It Challenge.
Pretty...and great job getting all those challenges covered!! Thanks for sharing with us at Frosted Designs!
RispondiEliminaBeautiful autumnal tag.
Annette - Netty's Cards
Proud to design for :
As You Like It,
The Stamp Basket,
The Sugar Bowl Challenge,
ABC Christmas, and
Crafty Little Fairies.
A lovely tag!
RispondiEliminaThank you soo much for taking part in our "embossing - wet or dry” challenge (I can't really find any embossing on your tag though)…
Hope to see you again in our next challenge as well…
(DT Penny's Paper Crafty Challenges)
Hello, Melanie,
Eliminathank you for your nice comment! I supposed that a paste to use with a stencil to make a relief could be considered embossing, but if you say so, it means they are different. Thank you for pointing out this, so I won't mix the two words in the future.
I will join again, of course! I love your challenges!
Beautiful fall design. I love projects this time of year with all the warm colors. Thank you for participating with us over at "The Paper Nest Dolls" Challenge Blog. Hope to see you again soon. Melanie, DT
RispondiEliminaFabulous tag! I love all the cute embellishments on there! Thanks for sharing with Anything Goes for September at Crafting By Designs. Mo xxx
RispondiEliminaWhat a simply lovely tag - I really like the colours you have chosen to use! Thank you for joining in my challenge at Crafty Cardmakers & more...
Gorgeous tag! Great colours and details. Thank you for joining us at AS You Like It. Luv, Wilma
RispondiEliminaStunning tag - love all the details
RispondiEliminaHilda x
Fabulous tag..thanks for joining us at That Craft Place..Hugz Gayle xx
RispondiEliminaGorgeous tag!!! Love the handwriting!! Thanks for joining us at Frosted Designs!!!
RispondiEliminaFabulous tag! Thanks for joining us at Crafts 4 Eternity this week hugs x
RispondiEliminaBeautiful! I loved reading about what you were visualizing while making your tag. Thanks for linking up to the Curtain Call Wishing Well challenge!
RispondiEliminaThank you, Amy! I'm a daydreamer and when I can make (quite) real what I dream I'm very happy!
Mariangela ^___^
Such an artistic tag. I love all of the embellishments and the meaning behind them all. Thank you for sharing with us at Craft My Life Challenge. Hugs Mrs A. (D.T.)
RispondiEliminaThank you a lot, Valery! I love tiny things and I'm happy when I can put tiny details in my crafts!
Hi our rules clearly state 15 maximum challenges to be entered. I have therefore deleted your entry!
RispondiEliminaDear Lin,
EliminaI am very sorry, I was mistaken and sometimes, you know, this happens to people accidentally. Moreover this is the first time I join your challenge and this confirms that it was accidentally.
a crafter who loves politeness and doesn't like roughness of manners ;-)
A fabulous tag, love the details.
RispondiEliminaThanks for sharing with us at Try it on Tuesday
A gorgeous tag and I love the story behind it too. So much work and detail. Thank you for sharing it with us at All Crafts Challenge.
RispondiEliminaWhat a lovely tag! I love all of the elements-such a neat idea to add wire to the heart. Thanks for joining us at Love to Scrap.
RispondiEliminaCiao complimenti per la tua creazione!!!
RispondiEliminaTi ringraziamo per aver partecipato al challenge di Arte a tutto tondo
Buona Fortuna
Baci Mel
beautiful fall tag
RispondiEliminaTanks for playing with us at card and Scraps.
Kos med papir og saks
DT for card and Scraps
Brilliant tag & a lovely story, just perfect for our "Colours Of Autumn" challenge. Thanks for sharing your great work with us at Crafting For All Seasons this time!
RispondiEliminaGood Luck
Dawn xx
WOW! This is amazing!
RispondiEliminaThank you for participating in the MelonHeadz Friends Autumn Colors Challenge!
wonderful tag, awesome colors!
RispondiEliminaSo pretty! Thanks for joining us over at Scrap It Girl!
RispondiEliminaA beautiful tag! I love fall! I love that you shared your inspiration. Thanks for playing along with us at Scrap It Girl! :)
RispondiEliminaBeautiful! I love the story behind it. Thanks for playing along at Scrap It Girl!
RispondiEliminaA lovely tag and a great story - lovely autumn colours too. Thanks for joining us at A Vintage Journey for our Autumn Colours challenge. Jennie
RispondiEliminaSuch a great tag. I love all the different elements. A stunning result. Thank you for joining us over at Creatalicious. Hugs Nina
RispondiEliminaComplimenti per la card e grazie per aver partecipato al Challenge di Sognando Scrap!
RispondiEliminabellissima questa tag
RispondiEliminae mi sono divertita moltissimo a
da una parte
leggere da quale idea è partita,
vedere come la hai realizzata
Thank you, dear ladies!
RispondiEliminaGrazie a tutte!
Mariangela ^___^